If Database Management System (DBMS) authentication using passwords is employed, the DBMS must enforce the DOD standards for password complexity and lifetime.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-235137 MYS8-00-005000 SV-235137r998288_rule High
OS/enterprise authentication and identification must be used (SRG-APP-000023-DB-000001). Native DBMS authentication may be used only when circumstances make it unavoidable; and must be documented and Authorizing Official (AO)-approved. The DOD standard for authentication is DOD-approved PKI certificates. Authentication based on User ID and Password may be used only when it is not possible to employ a PKI certificate, and requires AO approval. In such cases, the DOD standards for password complexity and lifetime must be implemented. DBMS products that can inherit the rules for these from the operating system or access control program (e.g., Microsoft Active Directory) must be configured to do so. For other DBMSs, the rules must be enforced using available configuration parameters or custom code.
Oracle MySQL 8.0 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-12


Check Text ( C-38356r998286_chk )
If DBMS authentication using passwords is not employed, this is not a finding.

If the DBMS is configured to inherit password complexity and lifetime rules from the operating system or access control program, this is not a finding.

Review the MySQL Database Server 8.0 settings relating to password complexity. Determine whether the following rules are enforced. If any are not, this is a finding.
a. Minimum of 15 characters, including at least one of each of the following character sets:
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Numeric
- Special characters (e.g., ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = - ' [ ] / ? > <)
b. Minimum number of characters changed from previous password: 50 percent of the minimum password length; that is, eight.

Review the DBMS settings relating to password lifetime. Determine whether the following rules are enforced. If any are not, this is a finding.
a. Password lifetime limits for interactive accounts: Minimum 24 hours, maximum 60 days.
b. Password lifetime limits for non-interactive accounts: Minimum 24 hours, maximum 365 days.
c. Number of password changes before an old one may be reused: Minimum of five.

Connect as an admin.

SELECT component_urn FROM mysql.component
where component_urn='file://component_validate_password' group by component_urn;

If the "validate password" component is installed the result will be file://component_validate_password.

If "validate password" component is not installed, this is a finding.

If the "component_validate_password" is installed, review the password policies to ensure required password complexity is met.

Run the following to review the password policy:

FROM performance_schema.global_variables where VARIABLE_NAME like 'valid%password%' or VARIABLE_NAME like 'password_%' ;

For example the results may look like the following:


If these results do not meet password complexity requirements listed above, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-38319r998287_fix)
If the use of passwords is not needed, configure the MySQL Database Server 8.0 to prevent their use if it is capable of this; if it is not, institute policies and procedures to prohibit their use.

If the MySQL Database Server 8.0 can inherit password complexity rules from the operating system or access control program, configure it to do so.

Otherwise, use MySQL Database Server 8.0 configuration parameters and/or custom code to enforce the following rules for passwords:

a. Minimum of 15 characters, including at least one of each of the following character sets:
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Numeric
- Special characters (e.g., ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = - ' [ ] / ? > <)
b. Minimum number of characters changed from previous password: 50 percent of the minimum password length; that is, eight.
c. Password lifetime limits for interactive accounts: Minimum 24 hours, maximum 60 days.
d. Password lifetime limits for non-interactive accounts: Minimum 24 hours, maximum 365 days.
e. Number of password changes before an old one may be reused: Minimum of five.

As the database admin:

INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_validate_password';

# Set Password Policies example:
set persist validate_password.check_user_name='ON';
set persist validate_password.dictionary_file='set persist validate_password.length=15;
set persist validate_password.mixed_case_count=1;
set persist validate_password.special_char_count=2;
set persist validate_password.number_count=2;
set persist validate_password.policy='STRONG';
set persist password_history = 5;
set persist password_reuse_interval = 365;
SET GLOBAL default_password_lifetime = 180;

set persist password_require_current=YES

This can also be set at the account level:
ALTER USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost'